my Little Foot is 11 months old today! we're teething and grumpy...teeth suck. i firmly believe teething is why we don't remember our earliest years. i don't know who's more batty...him with the teeth, or me home all day with the whines and tears and general unhappiness. can't wait until whatever teeth are trying to make their appearance are in and my happy boy is back!
i'm finally totally motivated to lose weight. i'm at pre-baby weight...but i could lose a few more pounds, and get more toned. plus i was asked a few days ago if i was pregnant :( .no. so we've been working on 2 miles a day. as long as Capt. Grumpypants isn't strapped into the stroller and can pull himself up and look around he enjoys the walks. today he's been so grumpy we've already walked 1.65 miles...and bathed. and we'll - God willing - be going back out this afternoon.
my devotional this morning - Hope for Everyday by Billy Graham - was based on Hebrews 10:22. (Hebrews is my favorite book of the Bible) "Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of our faith." Mr. Graham says that we need to disregard our feelings when we come to Christ. Our feelings aren't what save us, but it's Christ who saves us. our feelings change, but He remains the same. i am SO grateful for that. for instance, i think Little Foot's teething is being made so much worse by my PMS...and i feel that i'm being awful to him because i'm so much more temperamental than normal. i'm so glad God doesn't PMS, or have mood swings, or bad days. i am so grateful for that...especially as i feel like i'm going crazy, i'm the most impatient mother ever, and i'm sad/happy/angry/tired/frustrated.
so mostly, today i'm grateful to the Father. for his unchanging love and forgiveness. for the gift of His Son so that i can be forgiven. for the beautiful little boy sitting next to me eating his beans. for my husband. my family. all of the blessings in my life - everything i don't deserve, but He has given me anyway.
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